Academic Programs

Academic Affairs Division

Procedures and Criteria for Establishing a New Agreement
(Last Modified February 6, 2024)

Associate of Applied Science degrees are often considered career degrees because they are designed to prepare students for immediate employment. While institutions within the University System of Georgia may offer these degrees (pursuant to 必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注 of Regents Policy, it is often the case that students who complete a career associate degree elsewhere may later enroll at a University System of Georgia institution to continue their education.

University System of Georgia institutions who enter into an agreement with a Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) institution to admit TCSG students who have completed a career associate degree, must follow the requirements established in the Academic & Student Affairs Handbook Section 2.17 Acceptance of Core Coursework and Placement Test Scores from TCSG Colleges.  Any agreements that expand articulation to include additional general education coursework must also abide by 必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注 of Regents Policy, which states that agreements must be submitted to the USG System Office for review and subsequent approval by both the 必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注 of Regents and TCSG.  Institutions should submit such requests electronically to Dr. Laura Lynch, Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Programs and Policy and Dr. Michael Rothlisberger, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Analytics.