Academic Programs

Academic Affairs Division

Exceptions to Maximum Credit Hour Requirements

Exceptions to maximum credit hour requirements represent waivers to degree credit-hour length. Such waivers are analyzed to determine if institutional credit creep has occurred with regard to a specific degree and/or major before submission to the 必博体育_2024年欧洲杯下注 for approval. The request is submitted to the Office of Academic Programs.

Requests for credit hour waivers can be made for baccalaureate programs that exceed the 120-hour limit or master’s programs that exceed the 36-semester hour limit.

Below are the elements required to make a request for waiver to degree credit-hour length:

  1. Degree requested for an extension of credit hours;

  2. Rationale for credit hour increase;

  3. External accrediting body that has mandated a change to curricula nationwide;

  4. Documentation of external accrediting body requirements;

  5. Curriculum program of study before and after the increase;

  6. Statement of impact on students and student matriculation; and

  7. Statement of impact on faculty and faculty workload.